Thursday, January 9, 2014


If I had an "overarching" resolution, I'd say it's to be more flexible. I mean this for all aspects of my life. I don't always get to do things the way I want them since I have no real schedule due to my darling daughter, who is completely unpredictable. It can drive me crazy at times, but I'm trying to go with the flow, "come what may and love it". I notice that on days I care less about getting things done,  I usually get it all done anyway, but with a lot less stress.

Other goals:

Actually practice Spanish with James. I really didn't do anything with it at all last year.

Write some poems. Again, I slacked off last year, but I really love to write.

Double the amount of scripture study for one day.

Plant a  good garden.

Get back to my pre-babies measurements. I'll need to lose 25 lbs. and about 20 inches. Ack. Writing it down makes it look terrible. To accomplish this, I'm working out every week day for at least 30 minutes and eating healthier snacks (and some greens every day!).

Finish all the songs in my piano books. As a treat to myself, I want to buy the Phantom of the Opera piano book when I reach this goal.

Digitize family photos. I have a scanner, so I may as well put it to use! I don't have any of the photos in my possession yet, but once I do, I'm going to have a lot of fun looking at them.

2014 is going to be a great year!


  1. I love your flexibility goal. It is so strange yet true that "on days [we] care less about getting things done, [we] usually get it all done anyway, but with a lot less stress." I've noticed that flexibility comes more easily to Greg's side of the family than mine. All your goals are beautiful, as are you!

  2. I love your goals, Sacha, especially writing and speaking in Spanish with James. Your goals are great, and I know you can do it!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the encouragement!
