As I had hoped, this past week was somewhat uneventful.
1. Still recovering from the sunburn I got in NC, but it's dong a lot better. I've gone from extreme pain and swelling to just itchiness and peeling, not to mention a really terrible tan line.
2. Pulled out the garden. There was no point in watering a bunch of weeds, so I spent this week hoeing and raking them out. Our harvest this year was pathetic: a handful each of peas, hot pepper, potatoes, and tomatoes. Most of the things I planted never grew in the first place. I covered everything up with landscape fabric and just left the tomatoes. Hopefully I will get enough for one batch of salsa. A couple neighbors have already shared produce with us, so I am getting my squash fix.
3. James got a summer job! I think I mentioned already that he finished his geography endorsement. A couple of his friends work in mosquito abatement, and one of them hooked him up, basically. It's the perfect job because it's seasonal, pays pretty well, and is flexible when school is in session. It goes from April to October, so I think with training there will be a lot of days that I don't see James until 7 p.m.
4. James and Joseph started school! It was a little sad to send Joseph off this morning, but not as sad as Kindergarten. Katie really wanted to get on the bus, but I told her she has a few years (like 3) before that happens.
It's going to take some getting used to having the guys gone, but I think Katie and Kenny will end up getting along better. I also can't take naps anymore, so I really need to find some good books to read to fill my time. (I had just gotten comfortable with the idea of napping, and now I can't do it anymore. So lame!) Other than that, I have been feeling really good. Second trimester really is the best. Sometimes I even forget I'm pregnant. We find out the gender on Monday. So excited!
We didn't even get to plant anything in our garden plot this year but I feel I can relate a bit. Joseph is is first grade now? Victoria just started Kindergarten today. Did people ask you "what are you going to do with all your time now?" I don't know how to polite answer that question, and somehow it seems more deserving of an answer because I only have one child. Congrats on your pregnancy by the way.