Friday, April 19, 2024

Busy, Photos

Honestly, I wasn't excited for this week at all. James had parent/teacher conferences, Kenny a doctor's appointment and eye appointment, Joseph an orthodontist appointment, and all of us stake conference. I know I shouldn't grumble about extra church meetings, but I was this weekend. I made a point to go to all 3 meetings, though, and I was both humbled and inspired by the messages given. I'm grateful that I've been able to do many good things with my time at home, and I know that my next step is to study Spanish in preparation for our trip to Ecuador.

But first, pictures. Here's a boring recap of what I've done thus far since I've now spent 155 hours on it for the Heads:

*Sorted loose photos and envelopes by month/year and scanned from 1954 - 2008 (2 huge boxes!)
*Scanned photos from older scrapbooks that weren't in the loose ones
*Uploaded all the scanned photos to Google Photos (mine, Melodie's)
*Consolidated 200 GB of stuff on a hard drive, sorted by month and year and uploaded those photos, mostly from 2008 - 2016, and backed up to her other hard drive
*Cleaned up Google Photos for Melodie from 2017 - present day
*Named faces on Google Photos
*Created self-updating albums for my family, Sam's family, and Anna (Melodie's account)
*Made a comprehensive Shutterfly book of James's childhood since such a scrapbook has never been in existence
*Made albums for future FHE's which include all 4 of our parents' childhoods and early marriage
*Made an album for James of historical sites and museums
*Made an album of the extended Head family and shared it to the FB group

What's next?
*Make note of which photos in the later albums (1988 and on) I didn't have loose pictures for. In July, I'll get the albums out and take pictures of them on my phone. I have books for 4/7 of these albums, so that helps a lot. I don't think there will be very many, but I don't want to miss anything important.
*Put Grandpa Head's book in order in a binder.
*Get my parents to download Google Photos and upload all their pictures to the accounts. Add those to my Phenix family album.

*Look into getting a device to convert slides to digital and do my dad's and Rex's photos (mostly from the mission, I believe).

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