Thursday, September 26, 2024

Homecoming, Projects

James had a lot of work to catch up on, so I took the kids to the carnival alone. We enjoyed the games and free meals from the food trucks. It was a pleasant day, and I'm glad I got to spend it with the kids.

On Friday, James took the younger kids to the Homecoming parade. Katie and Kenny both had parties to go to. I canned tomatoes that the Binghams brought over.

Saturday, we went to a shrimp boil with the Warburtons and several other families. It was so delicious and lots of fun, even though I ate too much and had a stomachache afterward. James took Katie and Samantha to Homecoming until 8:30, and the boys and I watched Thor.

I still felt crummy Sunday morning (stomach cramps), so I stayed home from church to rest. I started feeling better by the end of the day, thankfully.

I had a busy Monday prepping the master bathroom for painting. James fixed our water heater, which took all afternoon, and we're all grateful.

Tuesday morning, I had a presidency meeting. It went well, and I got a lot of stuff done for Primary.

Wednesday afternoon, I had a random idea to build another shelf in the laundry room. It turned out great (less than 1 inch of clearance for the washing machine lid) and perfectly fits some storage bins I got cheap a few weeks ago. I spent an hour on the shed cleaning and organizing. Today, I spent 4 hours organizing all the small tools and supplies into the bins. They are neatly labeled, and I even got rid of a bunch of stuff we didn't need anymore. There were lots of duplicates and trash. It should be a lot less frustrating to do projects now.

I want to change the way I do this blog. I feel like I don't WANT to do it as often, but I don't want to give it up entirely either. I'm going to switch to once a month and cover just the highlights. I need to figure out what those will be, but the goal is to simplify my life.

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