Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pregnancy Stuff

Since I like statistics and things, I've kept track a little bit to see how the three pregnancies compare. So far, it would seem that my 2nd and 3rd are much more similar to each other than to my first. I guess that dispels those old wives' tales about boy/girl pregnancies being different since #2 was a boy and #3 is a girl. (I've had a couple of dreams about her turning out to be a boy, which is a little funny and unsettling!)

Nausea has been better each time, so I had almost none this time around.

Weight gain is about the same each time. I got a few new stretch marks with #2 and a few new ones with #3. I look bigger sooner each time, but that's pretty typical from what I hear.

The quality of sleep was horrible with #1 but okay with #2 and #3. I can't say that I ever feel really rested because I toss and turn a lot, but I don't have insomnia, thank goodness. I don't take naps because they make me feel worse, but I put my feet up a lot. Fatigue overall has gotten a little worse each time, but it probably has to do with not being able to sleep in and having more to do around the taking care of 2 other kids!

Aches and pains were least annoying with #2 because I worked out faithfully but didn't overwork myself like I have this time. Now that I'm taking the time to put my feet up, I actually don't hurt at all anymore. (Crossing my fingers that it stays this way.) When I do, I've had the same two achy spots as #1 and #2. I'm really grateful for yoga and warm baths.

As for cravings, there hasn't been anything in common with all 3. For #2 and #3, I have craved raw veggies like salad,  as well as beans and eggs. Yes, I give in to those cravings. :)

As for delivery and the baby, we will have to wait and see! The strange thing is that labor started at 3 a.m. both times for the boys, so I wonder how it will all turn out. I'm trying not to anticipate anything about it since it has been unpredictable and harder than I thought it would be both times past. I'd love to not be overdue, but we'll see. Less than 2 months left, I hope.

On a completely unrelated note, James started school yesterday. He is having a good time so far. Teaching (and not concrete!) is definitely the job for him.

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