Thursday, February 6, 2025


Ah, January, my least favorite month.

Trips and Activities

We returned from Rexburg the day after New Year's in one piece.

I went to a book swap party with some friends (childhood-themed.)

That's it for the month, so maybe that's why it's been boring.

Birthdays and Holidays

Our NYD in Rexburg was fun and relaxing. I made the black-eyed peas that we ate with the Lees. I also dipped chocolates, something I'm good at and enjoy. :)

James turned 37! He got fancy cheeses again for the 3rd time in a row. I think that birthday tradition needs to stay forever. I also made him boiled peanuts, German chocolate cake, and brown butter almond brittle ice cream, plus a steak dinner. We spread out the goodies over a weekend.


We had a few cold days (below zero) but NO snow to speak of. Surprisingly, my old town in Florida got 8 inches!


Though I didn't take them in, I'm 90% sure that Lewis and Samantha had the flu a week apart from each other. No one else had fevers, but we all experienced some level of tiredness, headache, etc.


Waiting on a part for the stupid microwave. It stopped spinning a few weeks ago, and the first part I ordered was damaged in transit and had to get returned. It should be an easy fix. I was bummed when it burned a hole in my rice bag.


Setting things up for the new year in Primary was a little busy, as expected, but it's gone well.

the annual cleaning out of things (Konmari method)

made and canned orange marmalade, turkey and gravy dinner

made 2024's photo book, the longest one I've ever done

miscellaneous 3-D prints

I got a whole bunch of fabric from my neighbor. I've made 2 rice bags from that and spent a ton of time organizing and planning my next projects. From previous materials, I made a T-shirt quilt for Samantha.