Friday, November 2, 2012

Thank a Teacher

I want to mention my wonderful husband today. He has worked until 6:00 every day this week, but he only gets paid until 3:30, which is when contract hours end. He also puts up with (and actually enjoys) 150 8th graders every day. I love hearing his stories (and really funny quotes) from his students.

It's been a long week. James started leaving early (5:45) every other day to go swim at the rec center. We've been a couple of times together, and it's a lot of fun. I had my first ever swimming lesson, which made me a bit sore the next day. I have yet to do any running, but I hope to start within the next few days. I have a plan to work up to running a whole mile. Yeah, I know that's kind of pathetic.

Our ward had a party on Halloween. James was Indiana Jones and Kenny was a Dalmatian. Somehow they escaped being photographed.

I made the Princess Leia buns. (a dismantled scarf woven into a headband, then 2 mini braided rugs)
Joseph as Darth Vader, sans cape
We had a good time. Joseph got a bag of candy from the trunk or treat. I never realized how expensive candy is until I bought 10 dollars' worth that disappeared within 10 minutes.

I've had a hard time with these short days, but I'm pressing on. I even worked on the boys' curtains today. They're going to be really cute when they're done! I think my goal is by the end of the year, and it's not going to happen much sooner than that. That's okay, because their current curtains are an old blanket and some nails, which has worked just fine for the last year. :)

I think I'm ready for a weekend. This brain needs a rest.


  1. Candy is WAY expensive! I always buy the cheap stuff from the winco bins... too bad you don't live near winco anymore! :( And I hate the short days too. I'm really dreading this weekend!!!!

  2. You had a cute Dalmatian and you didn't catch a picture!? Make them dress up again. :)
