Sunday, May 10, 2015

On mothers: a guest post from James

Hi there, this is James and these are some of my thoughts on moms.

These are some of the sounds that greet mothers every day.
the "pitter patter" of little feet
which is realing the ungainly "thump thump" of toddlers falling
the little voice saying "I wuv you mammee"

These are some of the smells that greet mothers every day
half digested food
baby hair
that clean baby smell
that dirty toddler smell

Some of things a mothers hand feels every day:
snot on a baby's face
a banana peeled for a little one
that gross feeling when you step on that banana after with was thrown to the ground
the soft cubby cheek of a toddler
a lego creation of a 4 year old
that feeling of stepping on one of those legos
the hug of tiny arms

Some of the things a mother sees every day
running children
the inside of that diaper
weepy kids
chaos itself
smiley faces
remnants of dinner
a room that looks like it was hit by a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, and the Hulk
kids playing together
half finished plates
way too much Sesame Street, Wild Kratts, Thomas, Frozen or whatever is on Netflix..
sleepy little eyes as they go to sleep.

These are some of the sights, sounds, smells that greet mothers every day. I am so grateful for my mother and my wonderful wife, the mother to my kids.


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