Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Week of Calm

Things have been a little tough since we got home. I am sick with a cold I picked up in NC, and I thought I had escaped the worst of it, but it peaked on Sunday. I was able to do a lot on Thursday since I didn't feel truly crummy yet, but I barely left the couch on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. All of this week, I've spent a lot of time on the couch trying to rest. I've had chunks of a few hours where I've felt okay enough to go do things.

Monday, I went to dental appointments in the morning and a funeral in the afternoon. We went to Inside Out 2 for FHE and really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, I went to the temple to do baptisms with the boys in the afternoon. We got some tacos afterward, as is tradition when they go with the ward.

Wednesday, James took Joseph to the orthodontist while I got things done at home.

Today, we had a training for OSSO, which was really informative.

James has been working hard on projects all week. When we came back from NC, the yard was really overgrown. He's spent hours tackling all the weeds, adding hooks to the laundry room, and taking care of me while I get over this annoying cold. I seem to be done coughing, but the fatigue is still very real. I'm glad for those moments of clarity and energy where I can still get things done. I sorted through all the old pictures from NC and made a to-do list for all the digitizing I still need to do. I plan to digitize the photos, slides, and cassettes myself. I sent off all the videos (3 different formats) and should have them back before we go to Ecuador. I hope the company is able to digitize them all because there is a really old film reel that might be video footage of my great-grandparents!

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