Friday, August 31, 2012

Life in Dinosaur Land

I was pretty bummed when I wrote Monday's post (was it Monday? I don't even remember now). Since then, things have really shaped up. I feel better in every way. Life has settled into a pretty good routine again, for which I am VERY glad.

We got a new windshield this week since our car failed its first Utah safety inspection. It cost 220 bucks, but we got our refund check from our last apartment that same day. What a blessing! The refund covered a few days that they got someone else to move into our old apartment, so it ended up being more than enough to cover the cost of the windshield. I would call that a tender mercy.

like a ninja!
Our power randomly went out this morning. I tried flipping all the breakers just to make sure, but nothing. I called the power company, and they said I'd need to flip the main breaker out behind the apartment, and that I should call management. As if! I went and did it myself. Not to complain, but the management here is horrible. They don't even provide screens for our windows, which is totally stupid, in my opinion. It's nice that there aren't any (or many) mosquitoes, but our house does have its fair share of flies right now.

I have no idea what we'll do this weekend. I, for one, am getting our first Bountiful Basket! The fridge is looking pretty sad and empty right now. Joseph has a new-found obsession with going to Wal-mart, so I'm going to take him with me tomorrow. I think that will make him happy.

Part of my stress has been with budgeting. Not everything is as cheap as it was in Idaho, but I can't really raise the budget on anything since our rent costs more. We also have our debts to worry about, but I know it will all work out. I'm just glad that I've been obsessively cheap over the last few years, because it's totally necessary in order for us to live on one teacher salary. I shouldn't worry too much about what I don't have yet.

Kenny is now rolling both ways. He learned back to tummy first, since I was lazy about tummy time, but he learned tummy to back about 2 weeks later. He also has no problem holding his head upright. Tummy time is overrated. :)

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