Wednesday, May 22, 2013

To Everyone

If you are reading this, then thank you.

My greatest fears come to light again and again while I'm pregnant and emotional. (Those two go hand in hand sometimes.) Though I do not struggle with depression, I hit lows about once a week that make me question everything about my purpose in life. Why does anyone need me? Why do my kids have me when they could have a much better mom? Etc.

I worry that my life has too small of an impact to really matter. I do lead a quiet life. We are a one-car family. I stay at home with my children, doing my best every day to raise them right and not lose my head. I'm not perfect at it. No one is, but I forget that and beat myself up for my failures.

This little blog (and my other two) are a great outlet for me, my way of connecting to the world. I'm grateful to make a difference, even a small one. I've read blogs of others (even people I don't know) that have touched my life when I most desperately needed it.

To everyone who reads my blog(s), thank you. If you make comments, thank you again! Those words of encouragement have often come in times of need.

To everyone who keeps a blog, thank you. I love reading them. I'm glad that we get to stay connected, even though we don't live anywhere near each other.

Modern technology is amazing. I don't know how I could possibly have lived in any other era. My life at times feels like my container garden right now. It's been tipped over, but I fixed it the best I could. I've planted the seeds, put them in a sunny place in good dirt, and water them every day. I know they will grow, but I'm still waiting. I don't mean to say that my life isn't happening yet, but certain aspects of it (like things I blog about) are still in "seed" stage, and that's okay.

Thank you again for helping me along the way. Blogging is more rewarding than I ever thought it would be, so I definitely plan to continue it until the Internet goes out of style. (If that ever happens, though, I think I will die!)


  1. I love you AND your blog. :) And I'm with you... the Internet can't ever go out of style!!!

  2. I love your blog and your metaphor for things being in seed stage. I'd add that sometimes it's difficult to see older gardens growing much better or more prettily. Personally I feel like I'm at the watch-out-for-pests-while-watching-the-grass-grow stage. I love your beautiful growing family and pray this pregnancy goes well.
