Nothing of note really happened this week. Katie did get another tooth, which is terrible news for me. No matter what they say about nursing babies with teeth, you're always going to get bitten a few times. Oh well. Maybe she won't be like Kenny, who thought biting me was hilarious. She does love to yank my hair and try to eat my face (which amounts to a very slobbery baby kiss).
The boys have loved having warm weather. I have 16 tomato plants in my garden. Never since high school have I had so much envy of something someone else has. Our neighbors have the nicest yard with perfectly lush, green grass, cute garden boxes, and even a sprinkler system. I have ghetto boxes (which don't look half bad, but still), a weird mix of dirt that is probably full of weeds, and I have to water by hand without a nozzle, since it's broken. My plants look sad. Really sad. I don't know how many will make it. I'm really jealous that their plants are bigger to begin with and have cages and cute little greenhouse thingies to keep them warm at night. Am I insecure about my gardening skills? Yes. But, I have also spent less than $10 on putting in the garden. I just hope I get something out of it. I really really want to make salsa with fresh tomatoes!
I feel a bit down on myself, but I realize it's because I compare myself too much to other people. I still struggle to be happy with how I look, even though I'm at a pretty healthy size. I feel like I don't do enough and too much all at the same time. I'm a perfectionist, which sets me up to get mad at myself (and other people) when I just need to relax.
No matter what happens in a day, I am a success every time I follow the Spirit instead of the natural man. There's no sense in getting worked up about my mistakes. Just keep moving forward and trust in God. He knows what He's doing, even if I don't. Some days I need more help than others, and today is one of those days. I will conquer my garden-envy and one day be a very successful gardener. It just probably won't be this year, and that's okay.
A little humor since you made it through my complaining: