Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nawth Ca'lina

I had an amazing trip to NC! I was really worried about flying with Katie alone. I guess I'm still scarred from our last flying experience (Christmas 2012) which was truly horrible. However, everything went without a hitch. I met up with Christian, Myles, and Mara in SLC, and we all had a direct flight to Raleigh. We got in around 11 EST. Katie was a doll. Everyone loved her during the trip, and I got tons of comments on how cute she is. I have to agree. I even had a missionary moment in the airport where I got to talk to a woman about the Church a little bit. It was awesome.

Brinson and Ceci got married the next morning. It was a perfect day: 70 degrees, partly cloudy, and slightly breezy. If I could freeze that weather and have it every day, I would! The wedding left a few tears in everyone's eyes. We took a few pics afterward. The reception was also amazingly fun despite the food showing up late. There was lots of dancing, and I got to see some people I haven't seen since before I got married.

Saturday, we all hung out at the house, ate dinner at Golden Corral with my grandparents, and watched them open presents. Sunday was time to leave - way too early for everyone! The newlyweds are still on their cruise as I write this. I had a very tiring day on Sunday. James was also having a lot of pain from kidney stones, but he is okay now. (Thankfully, no ER trip was required - or surgery!)

It's been a busy week getting caught up on things. I've started a jean quilt for Katie since I realized I have enough squares! There are less than 3 weeks left of school now. I've been helping James grade a bit so he can get caught up. I can't wait for the weekend, because it's been a long week.

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