Thursday, March 12, 2015


I know it's been 3 weeks or so since I posted last. Hopefully I can remember all the main events of what's been going on.

I've been consumed with family history work since mid-December and spent about 3 hours a day cleaning up my file up to mid-March. Finally, I am done! I have synced my personal file back to the 12th generation with what's online, merged duplicates, attached sources, and requested ordinances. It turns out that we were able to request about 350 ordinances (about 150 different people) that had been overlooked. It's a good feeling, though it will take a long time for my family and me to complete them. Having my own family names is a good motivation to attend the temple more often. I need it, because it's hard to get myself out the door for a few hours sometimes. For now, I'm not working on any more family history. When I do, it will be more sporadic and on cousin lines. I'm feeling a little burned out, but grateful for the work I've been able to do during naptime.

It wasn't all just hard work. I got hooked on watching Doctor Who. Yeah, it took about 5 tries to get hooked, but I did! I started with season 5 of the newer stuff (the 11th doctor). He is definitely my favorite. Once I got sucked into the story, I found it much easier to go back to the lower-budget episodes. :)

I've been trying lots of new recipes, mostly soups and desserts. I used to think healthy desserts were dumb, but since I'm definitely in danger of becoming diabetic (mom and grandma both are/were), I'm trying to be more careful about my sugar intake (with varied success depending on my mood). So far, I've found a really healthy brownie and PB cookie dough recipe, and I'm going to try a healthy version of chocolate chip cookies. The healthy versions taste a lot better than I thought they would. I haven't blogged any new recipes, but I will once I make my way through my stack of "to try" recipes and figure out my absolute favorites.

James's foot has been hurting. What was thought to be cellulitis is actually gout. He's on steroids and enjoying making jokes about it. (Like, "Hey, I should work out tonight, because I'll be on steroids and get big muscles!")

I got contacts again. Hurray!

It snowed 6 inches last week, but it's all melted already. I've been optimistically wearing shorts/capris.

Katie's molars all came in, making her a much happier baby. She's not walking yet, which makes her the latest walker of my kids.

I've been thinking/praying about Joseph's schooling, and I finally received a solid answer. He is going to attend public school. That could change in the future, but for now, he's going! That takes a lot of worry off my mind. I just wasn't sure for the longest time. I've never felt "ready" to send him to school until now. I know I'll live through it even though I'll be home with the two who fight all the time.

Kenny is pretty much the same. We will start potty training when he turns 3, which is just around the corner.

Everything is going well for us. Aside from these events, life has been pretty routine. Coming up soon, we'll have two weddings, three trips altogether, and two birthdays. Also, there's Pi Day and St. Patty's. Who doesn't love a good holiday? Hopefully I'll get some pictures too.

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