Thursday, July 20, 2017

Phenix Girls Visit

Last Thursday, James and I went on a date to go shooting with his new gun. We also got dinner at Arby's since the kids don't like it. (Who doesn't like curly fries?!) He ended up getting a different gun since that one didn't work. I am a pretty good shot with a handgun. (.22, not so much with the more powerful ones since they kick so much.)

Friday was movie night, so we watched Star Wars with the kids. They really like it. It's one of the few non-animated ones they enjoy.

Saturday, we did a family adventure to Little Brush Creek cave and Red Canyon. Both were awesome. The kids really enjoyed playing in a little pool outside the cave. We called it the "princess pool".

Sunday was a typical Sunday. The home teachers came.

Monday night, Mara and Carmel came to visit! We hung out and talked.

Tuesday, we took a day trip to explore 3 ghost towns. All in all, it went very well. The roads weren't very well-marked, but we found where we needed to go anyway. My only real complaint was how hot it was when we stopped for lunch. There was no shade to be found. I loved listening to some awesome music on the drive and seeing so many cool views. I love Uintah County. There is so much to explore! We really do live in the Wild West.

Wednesday I just did my normal housework and hung out with the girls. I used my Instant Pot to make dinner. I love that appliance! It makes such amazing rice too. I have used it twice since I got it on Monday and plan on using it a lot. It definitely replaces my slow cooker, which was getting too small for us anyway. I've never owned a rice cooker, but if I did, it would replace that too. I've been stuck in a rut recently with cooking, so I'm really excited to have a whole new appliance to try out, which also gives me lots of recipes to try out as well.

The girls left this morning. Katie had a meltdown because she felt so sad. I'll admit, I felt pretty sad too (still do). Living far away from family is hard. I'm glad so many siblings have come west for college so I can see them more often! Carmel is not going to BYU-I anymore, though, so I won't see her till Christmas, Nash is on a mission, and Myles is going to be in NC permanently, so there will just be Mara. But we love Mara a lot, so it will be great to see her at Thanksgiving (maybe before).

We'll be off to the library as soon as Lewis wakes up. Then, it's time for a new belt for my vacuum. I can't live a day without it. Haha.

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