Thursday, September 7, 2023

Labor Day

Both Kenny and Katie went to birthday parties over the weekend, and Lewis has one today. I wish I knew in advance so I could stock up on a few presents, but oh well. A last-minute trip to the store will have to do.

We ended up not doing anything big on Labor Day. I was still so tired from trying to get used to the school schedule that I wanted a day to take it easy. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen making a batch of tomato sauce, bread, and peach jalapeno jam. The produce on the counter is now at a manageable amount since I also canned 7 quarts of green beans and made salsa on Saturday. I wish we had cold storage for all the winter squash we've been given, but since we don't, I've kept a month's worth on the counter.

Tuesday, we did a playdate with Navy. I then took Joseph to the orthodontist, then quickly made dinner so we could eat before the stake service project at Remember the Maine Park. We helped clear branches and logs off of a trail, and it was really fun! The ice cream at the end didn't hurt either.

Yesterday, I took Lewis to the dentist. James and Joseph did the e-sports club, ate dinner with us, then hurried off to another missionary lesson with Joseph's friend Tyren. James and I squeezed in a few errands once they got back.

Joseph's math class did get sorted out. Hurray! He was able to get started on everything yesterday.

I've been approved to volunteer at the elementary school. Hopefully I'll hear back from Samantha's teacher soon so I can get in there once a week. I've also started exercising again. It's really lonely here in the mornings, but I'm starting to figure things out a little better. The cooking and cleaning still take up quite a bit of time, but I'm trying to figure out how to structure my week so I leave the house sometimes and don't get too lonely or bored. It's been nice to work on things without so many questions from Samantha, but I miss her all the same. She really loves school, though, and she always comes home happy.

I still don't feel that getting a job is the right thing for me to do right now, even though I could squeeze something part-time in. Maybe next year. I feel slightly lost as to what that will be, exactly, but I know I'll figure it out when the timing is right.

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