Thursday, September 28, 2023

Broken Foot, FanX, Canning, Braces

It's been such a busy week. James found out on our drive to Salt Lake that he had broken his foot and needed to follow up with the orthopedic doctor. That didn't end up happening until Tuesday, but he has a boot now and is getting around more easily. He wheeled around on a scooter during FanX, and it actually worked really well.

We had an awesome time at FanX with Anna and Joseph. Though we walked a lot, we saw amazing costumes and lots of fun, nerdy things. We all ended up buying fun things too. James got Stormbreaker for only 40 bucks! We returned home exhausted, but happy.

Saturday, the kids had to do school. We went to a baptism for Joseph's friend Tyren, and that was really nice. We then attended a party with the Spanish ward, which had amazing food and dancing.

I was really stressed on Sunday since we had teacher council and I needed to orient some new teachers. It all worked out, though.

Monday and Wednesday, I spent the entire day in the kitchen. I canned salsa, candied jalapenos, spaghetti sauce, beets, and pickles. I also cut up peppers, turnips, and squash to freeze for later and prepped the peppers for hot sauce. It's fermenting on the counter and will be ready in a week. Currently, the counter is clear of all veggies except for a few winter squash and a small bowl of unripe tomatoes. I know there are more coming, though! I had to buy more jars and sprung for a food mill so I can make the process a bit easier when it comes to making sauce. I suspect our first freeze will happen in the next few weeks, and that's when I'll really get inundated with tomatoes.

Joseph has adjusted well to having braces. The first few days hurt a bit, but he was able to figure out how to brush and floss his teeth pretty well. It's a learning curve with eating, but I'm doing my best to make sure we have things he can eat without too much trouble. Halloween may be the biggest challenge yet.

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