Thursday, September 21, 2023

Los Boyle, Salsa, Breaker and Sprain

I went to the temple on Friday despite almost talking myself out of it several times. I'm really glad I went.

Saturday, James took the kids to play in the creek while I read my book. We had the Boyles over for dinner since it was Mexican Independence Day. We didn't realized that the grill was out of gas, but with all the prep on the food, getting more slowed us down by only 20 minutes. We didn't end up eating till almost 8, but it was all delicious.

Devin and his kids came over for lunch and dinner on Sunday since Ana was taking her parents to the airport. We successfully ate the rest of the leftovers, something I'm always glad for.

Monday, I made my first double batch of salsa and got 8 pints. I've done so much canning already that I'm running a little low on jars. I went around the house to find ones that were being used for other purposes and washed those, so that gives me 5 more. I also cut up all the carrots, cucumbers, and squash, which have now been eaten. All I have left (fresh) are a few spaghetti squash and some serrano peppers. My freezer is still very full, and I'm so grateful.

Two crummy things this week: a circuit breaker tripped while I was making dinner, so I had to move everything to the other counter while we tried to fix it. After tithing declaration, James was able to reset it even though it had gotten stuck. We've had no further problems, and I moved the toaster so that won't happen again.

Last night, James sprained (probably) his ankle in a hole in the yard. It's now been filled in, but he's got a swollen ankle that he can't walk on. He went to urgent care last night, but they weren't the most helpful. They took an X-ray but didn't have anyone left to read it, so we don't know for sure if it's just a sprain.

We're supposed to go to FanX tomorrow. We still plan to, just with James in a wheelchair or with one of those scooter thingys. It makes things more complicated than it needs to be. We have been successful at saving money for it too. It's been really hard to not eat out or take any random shopping trips for 6 weeks, but we did it!

Today's a busy one. Joseph gets his braces on, then I have a presidency meeting, then we go to a community carnival after school. Hopefully we have some answers for James soon so we know what we're in for.

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