Thursday, May 23, 2024

Last Week of School

All the cars are back! The Yukon has a few things that could be fixed but don't have to be if we're not taking it on any long trips. The van was leaking transmission fluid, so we took it back in and got it fixed under warranty (bad gasket) since they'd just done work on the transmission. I'm crossing my fingers, but we should be good to go for our trip after I get the oil changed today and the kids clean it out this weekend.

It's been an okay week. It's seemed like a month long, not just a few days. I keep thinking that it's a day ahead of what it actually is, and that doesn't help. Tomorrow is the last day of school!

We did a short game night with Katie since she's moving this week. It's sad, but I get it.

I helped with Field Day for Kindergarten on Tuesday and today I'm going to see a skit done by the 4th graders. Katie says she's the narrator. I think she's started to come out of her shell this year and isn't just the quiet kid in the back.

This next week will be spent sleeping in and getting things ready for the long trip. I'm really hoping it goes well with NO car problems this time. Having a much newer car should help, and if it doesn't, I quit!

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