Thursday, August 15, 2024

Getting Ready for School

I got over my weird stomach bug by Wednesday night, so we attended our ward's block party. It was fun to share pictures of the trip with a couple of ladies I know.

We tried to be as boring as possible during the past week since we were still pretty tired from the trip. The kids went through all of their clothes so I'd know what to buy. We needed a couple pairs of shoes, socks, and underwear, most of which I bought on Amazon. I'm so grateful for hand-me-downs every time school starts and I don't have to buy much. I got the school supplies delivered with my groceries, so that was no trouble at all.

Joseph had orientation for the high school on Monday, and the rest of the kids have theirs today. I've also had a presidency meeting, helped with boys' activities, gone to the temple, and driven kids to play dates, activities, the orthodontist, and Young Men.

James started work yesterday. I hate getting up early. I'm really feeling it today. I hope I can get used to it before the kids start on Tuesday. I don't know what my year will be like, exactly, but I know I'm not supposed to seek out employment outside of my home yet. Last year ended up being super busy with canning, family history, and Primary.

I finished editing and uploading my family's home videos to YouTube. Most were from 1988 to 1990, so I don't have memories of them. It was pretty fun to see myself as a baby and toddler. I still have a lot to do with pictures, cassette tapes, and more slides (from the Heads). 

It will be a good school year. I know I will be able to find ways to fill my time and help others.

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