Thursday, January 10, 2013

Little Sickies

Yup, my kids are sick this week, along with the rest of the world. Joseph is great kid, even when sick. Kenny, not so much. He's been whiny to the point of extreme aggravation for me, and I may have said a few things (under my breath) that I now regret. Life happens. They are both on the mend, and I suspect that by Sunday they will be different people.

Kenny had his checkup for 9 mos. He's still tiny, but his weight percentile went up a few points, which impressed the doctor. Stats: 16 lbs. 5 oz. (4th percentile, up from the 2nd) and 27.5 inches long (20th percentile). I love that little peanut. I'm not surprised that he went up in percentile points because he's been eating like a pig! That boy can eat a whole banana after his morning feeding and often eats as much as Joseph. I suppose it's the constant motion that burns it all off.

I guess I've been lucky, because I haven't gotten sick. Actually, the last real illness I had was in 2011! I had 2 or 3 times in 2012 where I thought I was going to get sick, but I didn't! A whole year without a cold is pretty awesome. I hope that trend continues. The worst I got was a slightly scratchy throat, but it went away before ever getting sore. Joseph was also a lot healthier in 2012. He only had 1 real cold. In 2011, I think he had 7-8. Yes, he is older, but the average 2-year-old definitely gets more than 1 cold a year, no matter how seldom/often they're around other kids. Hurray!

It's James's birthday this weekend, and he will be a quarter of a century old. We have some great food planned. :) I can't wait.

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