Thursday, May 16, 2019

Fighting, Busy

The kids have really been on a roll recently. I don't know if it's the warm weather or James being gone at mosquito abatement twice a week, but they are driving me insane. I'll be glad when James is down to one job, because doing both is stressful for all of us. I try to stay busy so I don't get lonely, and that works for the most part. However, it doesn't help the kids at all. It seems like they are constantly at each other's throats. Kenny and Katie are especially bad, but that's nothing new.

The blog is going well, and so is the sewing. As for my weight loss goal, I've decided to use stickers on my calendar and not weigh myself until Samantha turns one. That's only a few months from now. I'm at a point where the scale is just causing me a ton of stress. Slow progress is still progress, but I am too impatient to be happy with it right now. It's still a struggle not to eat when I'm not hungry, but I keep on going anyway. I guess that's the story of my life. Honestly, my eating habits have been a struggle for my entire life, so I can't expect to change everything in just a few months. It might take years to get to a really good spot where being healthy doesn't take so much thought. I have always envied thin/skinny people, and I don't think that will ever change. It just doesn't come naturally to me.

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