Thursday, March 3, 2022

Another Nephew, Goals

We've had a pretty low-key week so far, and I'm not complaining. The snow is melting, everyone's healthy, and Covid has all but disappeared from Uintah County.

James didn't have students on Monday, so I joined him for lunch at the Chinese place. We didn't do anything special at home.

Exciting news: we have another nephew! Rachel and Christian had their baby on Tuesday. He doesn't have a name yet. I'm so excited to meet my nephews in April over spring break.

I've made a goal to return to some good habits I'd left behind, mostly due to a miserable pregnancy, then a pandemic. I want to make whole wheat bread at least once a week and include more fruits and veggies in our meals/snacks. I used to get Bountiful Baskets and loved them. Though I didn't get to choose what was in them, I enjoyed the challenge of cooking an occasional "weird" vegetable and using up everything within a week or two. BB hasn't been available for a number of years now, and I don't think it's ever coming back. :( Because of the size of my fridge and family, I need to go to the grocery store once a week now, but every other week will just be a small trip for produce. The little kids were actually really well-behaved when I took them yesterday after the library. 

Other food goals for my family will include eating out less often (2x a month instead of every week), including more beans and fish with our meals, and setting specific days for treats. I've found that I don't really want to make dessert more than once a week anyway, but the kids love ice cream, so I think I'll stick to baking on Saturday and having ice cream for FHE. Thanks to the pandemic, I no longer want to eat chips, ice cream, or desserts as much. It turns out that even the most delicious of foods lose their appeal if you eat them often.

Kenny and Katie's glasses came, and they look adorable!

I'm really happy about all the sunshine. When I think back to January, I can see that I feel a lot better about waking up than I did then.

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