Thursday, June 2, 2022

End of School, Sealing, Joseph's 12th, A Week of Appointments

James and I went to the temple on Thursday. It had been a while since we went together, but it was really nice, and I got some good insights while I was there.

Friday was the last day of school. I thought it would be a peaceful day, but it turned out otherwise. Some friends came over and claimed they HAD to stay till 5, which would've been almost 4 hours. I sent them home earlier so we could get some things done, and they resisted really hard and even cried. Everything ended up okay, but I didn't feel that it was an auspicious start to the summer.

Saturday, James and I went to his coworker's sealing at the temple, then to D.I. and lunch afterward. It was really nice. We played DND Saturday night.

Monday was Joseph's birthday and a day off for James. Joseph helped me make the chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. I also make rocky road ice cream, which turned out delicious. I can't believe Joseph is 12 now. That sounds so old.

We survived 6 appointments between Tuesday and Wednesday. (dentist: Joseph, Kenny, Katie, and Lewis; doctor: Joseph and Kenny) Katie had 1 tiny cavity, but everyone else is good. I'd originally thought James would be home, but he's ended up working all week. Inflation has eaten up all our extra money and James has to move classrooms, so these work days are really needed.

We did squeeze in DND last night since we won't be able to play again for a week or 2.

I didn't bike much this week because the top of my left foot hurts a bit. I think it's a mild case of tendonitis, which means I need to rest and ice it. I HATE THIS. I thought biking was one of those things I wouldn't injure myself doing, but I was wrong. Hopefully, I'll be good to go by the time we get back from Rexburg and Albion. I'm really trying to be healthy here, but it feels like the universe has conspired against me. :(

Arguably, the upcoming reunion will be the most stressful trip to pack for since we have to take all of our bedding and spend several days around 75 people. As an introvert who doesn't really like to travel and is currently dealing with PMS, I'm not sure how this next week will go. Wish me luck.

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