Thursday, January 12, 2023

Baptism, James's 35th Birthday

I went to the church twice to practice the piano, and it made a huge difference. I was also able to meet with Sis. Hall about some questions she had.

I had my first baptism as the pres, and it went well. I was actually REALLY tired that day, but I managed to do a good job on the piano. I'd sort of lost my voice when I was giving her the gift from the Primary, but that's okay. It was a small gathering. I then went home and took a long nap during the afternoon.

Sunday, Sis. Hall and I met with all the activities leaders. I think it went really well, even though one person got stuck in the long driveway and we had to wait for her to get pulled out by a neighbor's tractor. Yep, the snow keeps coming.

James had parent/teacher conferences on Monday, so it was a long day, but we made it and even had a good FHE.

Tuesday, I took Katie to the dentist. She didn't end up needing the filling after all, so that was nice. I have 1 child who actually takes care of her teeth without my nagging first!

The guy came to fix our heater yesterday. It would randomly shut off and I'd have to manually reset it. He replaced the flame sensor, and I really hope that's all it needs. So far, so good. James and I went out for dinner.

It's James's 35th birthday today! He opened his presents already and sampled a bit of the German chocolate cake I made yesterday. I hope it will be a pretty relaxing day.

The cold wasn't too bad. The fatigue has definitely been the worst part, but I haven't slept well for the past few days. I really hate it when I wake up early for no reason and then feel tired for the rest of the day. Thankfully, that doesn't happen too often, and I always catch up again after a day or two.

This extreme winter is still making my life hard. The sun came out yesterday and looks like it might stick around some today. I'm so grateful!

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