Thursday, January 19, 2023

Heads Visit, Quilt

James's mom, dad, and brother Joseph came to visit over the long weekend, and we had a wonderful time. Saturday, we went swimming at the hotel pool and visited a candy shop for some treats. Melodie took Katie ice skating during the afternoon while we relaxed at the house. We watched a movie and had some pizza and homemade ice cream for dinner.

Sunday, everyone made it to church despite another snowstorm. (Ugh!) We had a nice afternoon and evening.

They left Monday right after lunch. I finished a book while James ran some errands and scraped snow off the roof (again).

We made it through a day of school before Kenny got another stomach bug. He stayed home yesterday but is back at school today. Lewis said he felt like throwing up last night but didn't, so I hope that's the end of that.

I was feeling stressed about the sickness, so I finished sewing an entire quilt for Lewis's birthday in only 2 days. It's a combination of 12" and 7" squares, and it turned out really colorful. There's a square of his old blanket from Grandma Head right in the middle. I do love taking scraps and making them into something cool and useful. I don't know what else to get Lewis for his birthday, but that's a start. He wants blueberry pie and blueberry ice cream. It's so funny because I used to eat granola with blueberries for breakfast, and that's when he got hooked on them.

I have a presidency meeting today at the church. Hopefully we can get the Nursery closet cleaned out. There is some confusion about the keys, so I hope we can get into it.

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