Thursday, March 16, 2023

Funeral, UCET

We had a good time hanging out with James's parents, even though it was for a sad occasion. Friday morning, we went to D.I. and the candy store. After lunch, James and his parents went to the viewing. The kids and I joined for the actual funeral at 3. It went on a little long (and Lewis even fell asleep), but it was really touching and spiritual. We joined the family for dinner afterward.

Later that night, we played DnD. It was a welcome distraction from the somber mood of earlier.

Saturday, James and I went to see Spongebob at the high school. Though I've never been a huge fan of the show, the musical was cute and fun.

I gave a talk on Sunday, and it went well. 

James left for UCET (technology conference) on Monday after school. We had a decent FHE given by Kenny and people eventually went to bed. The time change on Sunday has really thrown things off and made for some grumpy mornings.

The kids had activities on Tuesday. I stopped in briefly, and it looked like everything was going well.

James got back last night! I'll admit I wasn't in the best mood. I had gotten pizza to eat while we watched the Mandalorian, but the little kids got annoying and wouldn't stop boxing and jumping around. They still had some issues with going to bed. I also had a mini breakdown over some stupid stuff that probably wouldn't matter so much if I'd gotten a good night of sleep. It didn't help that I got a call from school from Katie, who was complaining about her eyes again and wanted me to pick her up. I didn't because there was only an hour left of school. It put a damper on my afternoon because I was also in the middle of a project I couldn't finish because I need my brother to send me some pictures.

The weather is still pretty crappy too. We've had lots of clouds and a mix of snow and rain. There are potholes and mud puddles everywhere, and it's not that warm yet either. It's getting there, but it's taking a long time to warm up.

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