Thursday, May 18, 2023

Tabernacle, Mother's Day, Rash, Play, Social Media

On Friday night, we went to Roosevelt to see the Tabernacle replica. It was really cool, much bigger than I expected. Joseph was volunteering with other youth from our ward, so he didn't get home till 10.

Saturday, James and I went out for lunch and then James hung out with Devin. I installed a new bulletin board in the kitchen and stuffed animal net for Katie.

Mother's Day was all right. I got books and chocolate, plus delicious meals that I didn't have to cook. I wish there'd been less cleaning at the end of the day, but that's the way it goes.

Both Katie and James finished their antibiotics for strep throat. Katie ended up getting a beautiful amoxicillin rash that hasn't gone away yet. It looks a lot worse than it feels, and it's not contagious, so she's been going to school without complaint.

I went with Joseph and Kenny to a middle school play on Monday night. It was all right, kind of silly, but the boys liked it.

I'm tempted to quit social media. I've had several conversations this year where I remember that social media doesn't tell the whole story about a person, not even close. People often use it to express opinions that I don't agree with, and that's fine, but it has a way of dividing people that just wouldn't happen in real life if they'd just talk to each other. People in small, isolated areas like Vernal are definitely susceptible to thinking of "the others" as evil and terrible since Vernalites don't venture out of the rural bubble too often. When they do, it's to Salt Lake for a weekend. I've seen the division online over and over again, whether it's about politics, religious beliefs, or even sushi. There is an abundance of good news, but there's also a lot of bad news I wouldn't have to know about otherwise. I'm not sure what I'll do yet.

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