Thursday, May 4, 2023

Better, Projects, Waterfall, Primary

My shoulder is 100% better and so is my cold! I was feeling well enough to make a princess dress, shirt, and pair of pajamas for Samantha's 18" doll. James got the yard stuff done, and I even set up watering even though we don't need to do it quite yet. I ran some errands today, including getting a solenoid for the sprinkler system. One zone will turn on but not off. Thankfully, a solenoid is an easy fix that I've done twice now.

The weather has been super nice. We went to the park on Saturday and had pizza with the kids. Monday, we hiked up to a waterfall in Dry Fork Canyon. It was steep, and I was definitely unprepared for that, but the view was amazing. I've never seen a waterfall in that canyon. I guess all the melting snow has been good for something. There was another smaller waterfall that we didn't hike too, but it also looked really cool.

Tuesday, I had a presidency meeting. It was great, as always, and I felt motivated the next morning to get my checklist done and reorganize my binder. I underestimated how often things would change, so I had to reprint a bunch of stuff. (I'll never not use paper, even though I love digital.) I don't mind reprinting things once a quarter, which it what I'm going to do from now on so I don't end up with so many scribbles all over everything.

I've been feeling a bit grumpy this week, even though the weather's been nice. May is one of my favorite months. We don't need a lot of heat, AC, or water, which makes the utility bills cheaper. It's the first month with consistently warm weather. I also worry less about school since it's almost over for the year. (It's like the Friday of the school year.) I love being able to pack everyone up and go somewhere outside easily, no coats or boots needed, just sandals. The kids are happier and are starting to get blonder, more freckly, and less pale. This moodiness is temporary, I'm sure, and it will pass.

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