Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter/Spring Break (Pics!)

Uintah County gyps teachers when it comes to Spring Break, but we decided to make the most of ours. We took a day trip to Salt Lake City with our boys this past Friday, and it was really fun. (I was pretty tired all week, but I felt my best on Friday, so it was a perfect day to go!)

We left in the morning around 8 and got to SLC around 11. Our first stop was the train station to ride the train up to Temple Square. Joseph taught Kenny how to say, "Whee!", so Kenny apparently enjoyed the train ride, because he didn't stop saying it the entire time. We spent a little time in the Joseph Smith Memorial building and took the boys to see the Christus statue.

Our next stop was the capitol. I've been to the one in Boise, ID, but never the one in SLC. It's got some really awesome architecture. I bet I'd appreciate it even more if I knew anything about architecture.

We stopped for lunch at JB's, feeling pretty rich since we'd saved up for 2 months to take this trip. :) The boys were angels and didn't throw too much food on the floor.

We then decided to go to the zoo. Since it was a warm, spring day, everyone else in Utah decided to go too. We had to search for parking, but we finally got in and walked around the whole zoo. I think the boys really liked it, though Joseph really doesn't like big animals. He told James, "Daddy, I don't like the elephants!" Kenny took a nap for an hour and I took a break while the boys went to see some of the animals. I was feeling pretty exhausted by 4:00 and couldn't walk much further.

We headed home and stopped for some fast food for dinner. The boys got a fussy by 8:00, but James sang to Kenny so he'd fall asleep. We got home around 9:00 and considered the day seized.

Saturday, we had our Easter fun. I spent the morning prepping for our Easter feast and making long-awaited strawberry freezer jam from some cheap strawberries I got from Bountiful Baskets. I froze the rest for smoothies and we ate some for a snack.

After Joseph's nap, we hid eggs and gave him a bucket to find them. He didn't really get it at first, but then he started to find the eggs, some with candy and some boiled. I turned the boiled eggs into deviled eggs.

Sunday I led the music (subbing) and also subbed in nursery. Kenny loved it in there. I wish he could go every week! He's definitely ready to take only one nap a day, so I put him in the room with Joseph and they both sleep from 1-3:30ish. It's great. I don't know why I didn't do it a few weeks ago when he really started refusing afternoon naps. He didn't even act tired until naptime today. Joseph wasn't ready for this transition until he was 18 mos., so it took me by surprise, but my whole day won't be taken up by naps anymore, and I won't have a grumpy baby every afternoon. I will consider that a blessing.

Today (Monday) is James's last day of spring break. We're still working on eating the leftovers of our Easter feast (ham, cheesy potatoes, deviled eggs) since I made so much. James is going shooting with a friend and working in his classroom a little. I'm hanging out with Gracie, the girl in the ward who stays with us some weekends while her dad is in SLC. Joseph loves playing with her, and I hope she likes playing with him just as much.
happy boy on the train

my new favorite of the boys

Temple Square

Joseph Smith Mem. Bldg.


a happy boy with lots of candy

making messes while Joseph found eggs

getting up close to the animals


  1. I was going to say "if you were in Salt Lake you should have let me know and we could have come up and hung out with you!" ...and then realized that oh wait, Friday I was busy getting discharged from the hospital with a brand new baby after major surgery while fighting a lung infection... yeah, pretty sure that wouldn't have worked. ;) But next time you come over this way, let me know!

    1. I wanted to see you more than anything, but I know how I feel right after having a baby; the only people I want to see are the baby, James, and my mom! Next time we are headed that way, I definitely want to see you!
