Thursday, September 22, 2022

Another Flat Tire, Sickness, Babysitting

Friday did not go as planned. First of all, Kenny had an orientation for the gifted program. It said it was an hour long. I noticed that a tire on the Yukon was flat, so I went to Walmart for them to add air since I didn't have time to get it fixed. When I showed up 2 minutes late to get Kenny, he was in tears and thought I'd forgotten about him. I guess I was supposed to go to the meeting, but I somehow missed that and the meeting was shorter than expected (which means everyone else left and he was there waiting with a teacher). I felt terrible! He was okay by the time I dropped him off at his friend's house for a playdate.

I quickly went home to drop off a few groceries and went back to Walmart to get the flat fixed. Thankfully, it didn't take too long so I just read a book while I was waiting. I had about 25 minutes at home before I had to get Kenny from his friend's house, so I made a batch of muffins to bake when I got back. They turned out great! I'd been craving pumpkin muffins, and these got eaten pretty quickly since all but 1 kid liked them.

We had a game night, so that was fun. My stress level was definitely high for most of the day.

Saturday, James was gone for a good chunk of the day, but I stayed busy with books and crafts.

Monday and Tuesday, I watched a neighbor kid from 9-5. We also cleaned the church on Monday. It was incredibly stressful, and most people in the house are a little sniffly, so I didn't get much sleep. Somehow, I found the energy to make a batch of salsa. Some of our neighbors gave us a bunch of tomatoes, so I got 5 pints of delicious salsa.

Despite all the challenges, the past 2 days have been okay, much calmer and easier since I only have 1 kid at home. I've really appreciated morning kindergarten. It means I can clean, exercise, and get other tasks done without kids fighting in the background.

I've been thinking about upcoming projects. I really want to paint the house again, but I don't think it makes sense to do the main rooms yet. I want to start with things I've never painted, like the laundry room, my closet, and the kids' closets. Sometime in the future, I also want to paint all the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, but that will be a huge undertaking. Maybe when Samantha goes to school next fall?

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