Thursday, October 26, 2023

Katie's 10th Birthday, Deer

It's been another busy week. I have lots of green tomatoes in the living room, and I started a batch of sauce that I'll likely finish on Saturday. Hopefully, the rest will ripen in the next few weeks, or at least before Thanksgiving. I had to buy more jars again, and I bet I'll use most of them.

We celebrated Katie's 10th birthday on Tuesday since she was hunting with James on Monday. She loves her presents, and I made dirt and worms for her dessert. It was a huge hit, and I'm sad it's gone. Putting homemade ice cream and homemade pudding together was a delicious idea. She had also requested tamales for dinner. I wasn't crazy about how they turned out, so I'll use beef next time and not chicken.

James went hunting on Monday with Devin, and on Wednesday, he shot a deer! He field dressed it, skinned it in the yard, and then butchered it with Devin. Friday, we will turn the scraps into burger. So far, we have over 30 pounds of meat! I had to squish things in the deep freeze to make room for it. That's a testament to how bountiful this fall has been. I can't believe it's almost Halloween.

The parts for the Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation are trickling in. I have a lot more confidence now that it's going to go well. The kids' testimonies are so sweet. Everything for the Trunk or Treat is ready to go as well. The kids and I passed out a bunch of invitations yesterday. The biggest downfall will be that the weather's going to be really cold over the next few days. On Halloween, we're going to freeze with a high of only 40. Sad day. Hopefully it's not the end of the mild weather.

I deep cleaned the girls' room for the first time since summer. It was cathartic. I've gotten behind on deep cleaning things since it's been so busy for the past few months. Now if only I could start and finish a book...

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