Friday, December 31, 2021

Christmas Break

Christmas Eve was fun. The granddaughters went out to breakfast with Grandpa. We watched Encanto together as a family and fell in love with the music. I made a pecan pie for Christmas and rolls for the night's dinner. We had clam chowder and bread bowls, plus other yummy stuff at Sam and Jesse's house. The kids acted out the Nativity story.

Christmas Day was a bit chaotic. I missed seeing some of the presents opened, but that happens when everyone opens everything all at once. We had scrapple for breakfast and plenty of candy, then a nice ham dinner with pie.

Sunday, we went to church at noon. After dinner, we had dessert with the Lees, plus some snacks. I'll never turn down a cheeseball and crackers!

Monday, we had to cancel visiting the great grandparents in Victor due to snowy (and closed) roads. That also meant no hot springs. :( James and I went out for dinner at Applebee's and got away for the night in a medieval theme room. It was so nice to eat a meal and spend a night without any kids in the room. We enjoyed a nice breakfast, then brought the kids to see the room before heading back to Grandma's.

Tuesday, we celebrated Jacob's birthday by going to Spiderman, then eating pizza and cheesecake.

Wednesday, James and I took a little trip to D.I., and the boys went out the lunch with Grandpa. James got together with his friends Kenneth and Nick at Sam's house during the evening.

We played lots of board games throughout the week, including Catan, 7 Wonders, Scrabble, Marrying Mr. Darcy, and several others that I wasn't part of.

Thursday, we left for home, making stops at Smith and Edwards and Bed, Bath, and Beyond so I could use the gift card I got for Christmas. I'd been really stressed about the weather since it snowed almost constantly and was cloudy and gloomy in Rexburg. However, the roads were mostly okay with the worst around Strawberry Reservoir because of the drifting. We were never in any real danger. When we got home, the Purcells had shoveled our driveway, and we had several treats waiting on the doorstep.

Everything at home has been fine, but stressful. During the trip, I experienced a lot of anxiety over the weather, plus poor sleep in a single bed across the room from James, tailbone pain/stiffness that took almost a week to work through, and now a cold that's making me tired when I have a ton to do. Honestly, I'm glad Christmas is over. Tomorrow, we're putting it away, and I won't feel sad at all. I'll have my living room back.

I'd say that I'm looking forward to a new year, but I'm not as excited about it as in years past. Can't imagine why, either. ;)

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