Monday, April 23, 2012

Grumpy Days

Saturday was my grumpy day. Why? Well, I think it started on Friday night when I ate lots of junk food, therefore giving myself a headache that wouldn't go away. Kenny wanted to eat every hour for several hours, which was only really annoying because I was trying to watch Sherlock, which is one of those shows you really have to pay close attention to! Kenny then spit up a lot, wanted more food, and wouldn't go to sleep till 10:30 (which is late for him) because I was all out of food. Thankfully, he slept until 1:40!

We've passed the threshold of "perfect" into "too hot" weather. I feel sticky, gross, and smell like sour milk. (This AC is going to get used a lot. I don't care about the bill!) I'm totally wimpy, because it's really only 80 out. I used to live in Florida, where it was hotter than that for 9 months of the year, plus 100% humidity. Never again. :)

Saturday was reasonably good, despite my complaints. We checked out a few yard sales, and I got Kenny a few 3-6 months size sleepers, the only thing he's lacking. James also got some nice shirts for school/work. We also went on a nice walk later on in the day. Nampa has a good variety of greenbelts. It's our goal to check out all of them. So far, not all of them are created equal! I actually really love the one closest to our house the best so far, but we'll see. Boise also has a 20-something mile greenbelt. Maybe one day, we will do the whole thing on bikes.

James works a lot this week, so I will have plenty of time to write my talk and prepare another lesson for Sunday. 18 kids. That's how many were in our class. A few of them weren't even there! Yeah, holy cow. The lesson went pretty well, though, I think. Still, it was totally intimidating, because most of those kids look older than I do.

1 comment:

  1. It's been pretty hot here too! I love it, though. Except at night, when our top-floor bedroom is just sweltering. I broke down yesterday and turned on the AC, even though it galled me because the downstairs temperature was perfect!
