I think that would definitely be moving while I was in high school. I had made lots of friends at Pace High School, but I never did in Apex. At Pace, there were a lot of kids who had things in common with me. At Apex, everybody had tons of money and did drugs on the weekends. Okay, I know I'm overgeneralizing, but I never got invited to anything unless it was with the LDS kids. Even then, they were really involved in school activities and I was involved in my job, since I had to pay my way through college.
I could go on. But I think it's enough to say that I disliked high school, even though I learned a ton and had many great experiences. Nobody could pay me to go back. :) I don't mind moving anymore, besides the pain of actually doing the packing. I will always have my best friend with me, and besides, there's always Facebook.
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