Friday, March 18, 2011

Wealth and Health

I love the Gospel Principles book. It's amazingly simple, yet profound. I am touched by every chapter. I miss going to Relief Society and being edified by these lessons (or teaching them), but I love my calling as a Primary teacher. I still have some time to stop and read what I'm missing. I loved this quote from the chapter on service,

"We should never fail to help someone because we are unable to do great things."

Every act of service counts, even if we think that we don't have much to give! This service includes sharing our talents to bless the lives of others. Never has the Lord said that we should wait until we are perfect, when we have enough money, energy, or time. The time is now. The more we share, the most rich we become as we see how much we truly have. Those who wait until they have the means never end up sharing, and those things eventually get taken away. What's the point of a talent that's buried in the ground? Faith, not fear, leads to growth and eventually perfection.

The next chapter focuses on the Lord's law of health. In my youth, I never thought much of the old adage, "early to bed, early to rise." Now, I love it! Joseph gets me up every day around 7:15, and I've found that my mind is clear and I'm ready to face the day. After a good breakfast and workout, I feel awesome.

These bodies aren't perfect, but we've been given such excellent advice on how to take care of them. My own body didn't matter as  much to me until I was pregnant and trying to support another little body. I still don't know how I survived years of choosing candy bars over apples, skipping breakfast, choosing mindless entertainment over sleep, and being idle instead of exercising. Right now, I think I feel better than I ever have. Though this body doesn't technically "belong" to me, I'm happy with what I've got. I think we are given imperfect bodies to remind us that we are imperfect and cannot become perfect without the Lord's help. Only a perfect spirit would be able to take care of a perfect body. We'll make it there eventually!

1 comment:

  1. That is an AWESOME quote! It reminds me of one that I remind myself of often - Mother Theresa said, "Do small things with great love." I feel all the time like I just don't have anything to give, particularly with my lack of energy and focus on medical issues (I would imagine having a small baby is a similar time- and energy-drain!). I have really been working over the last years to find ways that I can serve others, even if it's things that don't seem like a big deal to me, like writing a thank-you card or taking someone a loaf of bread.

    You inspire me to get my act together and be better about reading the lesson manual!!!
