We need change. Change in itself is a trial. Sometimes, those trials come with us when we're born. Sometimes, we seek them out. At other times, they seem to be randomly forced upon us. For me, I think that change is one of the biggest tests of my faith. I like to be comfortable where I am. I don't like to move. That applies to both the apartment I live in and in my faith. It's all too easy to get complacent and feel that everything is perfect. When we start thinking that, we're always wrong. When life seems too easy, I know that I should expect the unexpected...but I never know exactly what I should be expecting!
The hardest decisions for me are the ones that I don't want to make, even though I feel that they are right. Those are the ones that aren't logical to me in the first place. One such decision I made last summer when I stayed in Rexburg. I had much better opportunities to make money elsewhere, but I knew it was the right thing to do in staying. The job I got? Same thing. It was the last job on earth that I wanted, but it worked out perfectly for my situation.
Now comes the time for another change. What will it be? I guess that remains to be seen. I feel that life is "almost" easy at the moment and that I've gotten a little complacent. But I've been through change before, so bring it on!
I so agree! I have never dealt well with change... once I get a good thing going, I'm pretty happy to have it go on for, well, ever! I am continually quoting in my head President Monson's initial statement from his "Joy in the Journey" conference talk a year or two ago - "Nothing is more constant than change."