Friday, September 24, 2010


Just a contrast to my last post...I feel so much better! I still have no idea what I ate that gave me such a horrible time, but I'm sure glad that it's over. I had a few very emotional moments this week when I was weak, tired, and stressed from taking care of Joseph, but that all seems so long ago now.

I missed him while we were on our date. :(
James and I went on a date to a RS activity last night. It was great! We got a nice, free dinner of alfredo, cheesecake, salad, and bread. There was also a dance with live music and even fake candles on the tables. I don't remember the last time we went out to dinner, but it was most likely before Joseph was born. That made it extra special. :) We are still such terrible dancers, but we had a great time.

On the topic of wellness: It's interesting how many things come into play for one to be completely "well", or scripturally, "whole". Being physically healthy is only a small part of it, but it definitely has a large impact on everything else. Because I was physically unwell, I was also emotionally unwell (not in the terminal sense, of course). I was grouchy and not myself. That caused me to not be in tune with the Spirit, so my home felt like a place of discord, rather than one of harmony.

As a mother, it's a big job to ensure the wellness of another person. Taking care of a baby requires more than just knowledge of when the baby needs food, sleep, or a new diaper. There is no book comprehensive enough, because every child is so different. I love my little Joseph. I'm so glad that he's my baby. No matter how big he is, he always will be! :)

We are so excited that my dad is coming to visit this weekend. He gets here today, so we're going to celebrate with a yummy meal: BBQ pork, macaroni and cheese, cole slaw, and peach crisp. I'm hungry already.

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