Monday, January 31, 2011


I want to share a cool quote that I found in the Ensign.

"The fact that every member is given the gift of the Holy Ghost is evidence that the Lord wants to reveal things to you and through you." Joseph Fielding McConkie

What a powerful statement! The world we live in is all about evidence. If you can't prove something, then it must not be true. Belief by faith is discounted as being archaic or silly ("foolish traditions of the fathers"). It still amazes me how much evidence these scholars are missing. There is evidence everywhere that we were created by God, that He cares about us, and that He loves us dearly.

That fact that we don't know all the answers (yet) is not evidence of His not caring. A lady in church gave a great example yesterday (paraphrased).

"I have a daughter who is taking Calculus. She is much better at math than I am. I could ask her the answer to a difficult math problem, and she'd be able to tell me. However, no amount of explaining would make the answer make sense to me. I would just have to learn the math in the first place."

Revelation and answers sometimes have to come line upon line, precept upon precept, simply because we aren't ready for them or wouldn't understand. As we go throughout life, we receive answers when we need them. I don't know everything about my future, but I know enough! I have faith that I'll receive the revelation I need when I need it most, because that's how it's always been in the past. The Lord never ever leaves us in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. You always have the most wonderful insights! I love reading your blog!
